Glossary of System Objects

Below, we have defined the objects that you can manipulate via the CapLinked API. To get a better feel for the objects, please apply for a key and view the full docs.


The organization is the highest level object in CapLinked. There may be an unlimited number of teams within an organization. Organization members are allowed to create teams, manage other organization members, and read information regarding the organization. Organization members do not have access to all teams under the organization.


Teams are the child object of Organizations, and the parent of workspaces. There may be an unlimited number of workspaces within a team. A team has a team owner and team members, both of which can create workspaces under the team. By default, the team owner is the organization member that created the team, but can be changed by updating the team. The team owner cannot be removed by other team members.


Workspaces are the child object of Teams, and contain several other objects: Folders, Files, Activity, Groups. While activity is automatically recorded inside of a workspace, a workspace can contain as many user-created folders, files, and groups as is desired. To access a workspace and its contents, users must belong to a group.


Groups are the child object of a workspace. Groups are a way to organize users within the workspace and determine what level of access to folders and files they have. To belong to a group, a user must have a group membership. Groups have settings that determine whether or not files and folders downloaded by its users will be watermarked, have DRM, and other security features.


Permissions are joint table between the group and the folder objects. Permissions determine with folders and files members of a group can access. There are three types of access: View (allows users to access file information and if applicable, their viewable form), Download (creates a download object, which adheres to security rules in the group), and Uploads (creates an upload object).


To add files and folders to CapLinked, users must create an upload. An upload can contain files and folders totalling up to 5 GB. Once the upload has been processed, the appropriate file and folder objects will be created within their respective destination.


A download is created when a user wants to download a copy of files and folders to their local machine. Based on any groups they belong to, appropriate security features will be added to their download before it is processed and made available to the requesting user as a zip file.


All actions done at the workspace level are recorded as activity. Actions such as modifying, deleting, and adding files and folders, and changing groups and group memberships are all recorded and accessible to workspace administrators.


Folders can store files and other folders. Folders contain an index number and a name.


The CapLinked system can store any file type aside from hidden and executable files. For PDF and Microsoft Office files, a viewable version will be created.


A user in CapLinked can have unlimited memberships to organizations, teams, and groups.